Children are a gift and a blessing to us. We want to honor God by caring for them and teaching them all that He wants them to know. We look forward to serving alongside you in ministering to them!

Youth Sunday School (K-12th Grade)
Sunday School is offered each Sunday morning from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. for all ages. Early Elementary (K – 2nd) meets in room 304. Upper Elementary (3rd – 5th) meets in room 305. Middle School (6th – 8th) meets in room 306. High School (9th – 12th) meets in room 307.

Children’s Church (K-5th Grade)
Children’s Church is available in room 203 to K – 5th graders during Sunday morning worship on the 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month. Dismissal is right before the sermon. Children’s Church is a great way for younger ones to connect and learn valuable Bible lessons that are prepared and delivered in a manner that is appropriate for their age.

Vacation Bible School (ages 3-6th Grade)
Vacation Bible School typically happens the second week of June from 9am – 12pm each day. All kids, ages 3 through 6th grade are invited to join us at the Vestaburg Church of Christ. Vacation Bible School is offered as a combined effort with the Vestaburg Church of Christ in June. With a different theme each year, children learn of God’s truth through the Bible and His love for them. They sing, complete daily lessons and crafts and more!
Summer Youth Camp
Summer camp is available to youth of all ages at Rock Lake Christian Assembly. RLCA is central Michigan’s camp and retreat center for Churches of Christ and Christian churches, and is located on Rock Lake in Vestaburg, Michigan. Its two-fold mission is to bring people of all ages to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and to challenge Christians to broader lifetime service to Christ through Bible-centered programs in a nature-oriented facility.